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Grief Is a Hurricane

A shared journal experience with space to reflect and respond.

Pre-order your copy today! Shipping May 21, 2022.



A Note from the Author

Welcome, I’m Stephanie, and I’m just like you… I’m grieving. My spunky, feisty, beautiful sister died. She was 53.

As a response to my grief, I bought a blank journal. I began to write, doodle, color, paint, and draw, endlessly. I filled the pages with… everything, and I have created an artistic history of my journey of grieving.

My friend Lexi saw my stack of journals, and declared their need to be shared with the world. I was shocked, and I thought she was crazy, but I agreed to consider the possibility of offering comfort, hope, and understanding to those who are suffering with loss.

I’ve added pages for the reader to join me on this journey. My hope is that others will find some relief or comfort by reading what I expressed, but also by expressing what they need to. Also, I’ve added my personal inspirations and reflections to many pieces to offer the reader a deeper look into my process.

This book doesn’t tell you what to do or how to grieve. It just gives you a look at how one woman in Minnesota is surviving the loss of her sister. Come along, if you’d like… you’re not alone.

Peace to you and all you love,